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abada - capoeira pants; a capoeira group
academia - gym or capoeira school
aluno - student; student of a capoeira master
angola - slower traditional style of capoeira performed closer to the ground; rhythm of angola
angoleiro - a practitioner of the angola style
apanhar - to be beaten
apelido - nick-name
arame - wire; wire of a berimbau
armada - navy; basic spinning kicks used in capoeira
arrastao - capoeira takedown, pulling both legs from under an opponent
atabaque - large drum used in capoeira rodas
ataque - attacking move or movement initiative
aú - cartwheel
aula - class
aviso - a berimbau beat, indicated what kind of game will be played
axê - capoeira energy or mana
Bahia - Brazlian state on the eastern coast (see Salvador)
bamba - a master of physical sparring and wordplay; also a capoeira expert
banda - band; movement to trip or flank an opponent
baqueta - stick used to strike the wire of the berimbau
barravent - a berimbau rhythm; alludes to a trance before spiritual possesion
base - the ginga, the fundamental movement
bater - to beat
batizado - the capoeira initiation ceremony; baptism
batuque - street capoeira
beija - flor humming bird (flower kisser); flourish
bensão - blessing; straight kick
beriba - wood for making berimbau
berimbau - one-stringed precussion instrument resembling a bow
besouro - beetle; legendary capoeirista from the turn of the century
Bimba (Mestre) - creator of the Regional style
brincar - to play like a child
cabeçada - an attack with the head
capoeirista - practioners of capoeira
cavalaria - cavalry; a berimbau rhythm formerly used to warn of a police raid
caxixi - rattle played with the berimbau
chamada - call; berimbau rhythm to call attention
chula - chant
chutar - to kick
cintura desprezada - acrobatic exercises to help capoeiristas land on their feet
cocorinha - squatting movement
compasso jogado - thrown compass; flourish
comprar - to buy; entering the circle by cutting in on another player
contragolpe - counter-attack
contramestre - one level below a master
cordão - big cord
corda - colored belt awarded to mark advancement in some academies
corridos - call and response songs accompanying action in the circle
costas - back (anatomy); co
defesa - defense; defensive move
desequilibrante - movement that unbalances the opponent
discípulo - disciple, student of a capoeira master
dobrão - old brazlian coin used to play a berimbau often substitued with a rock
é - is
ele - he
entrar - to enter; to enter in the roda
esquiva - escape movement [basic movement]
eu - I
faca - knife
fazer - to do; to make
fechado - to be closed; bulletproof
fechar - to close
ficar - to stay
floreios - acrobatic movements
folha seca - dry leaves
fome - hunger
força - strength
formatura - graduation ceremony for a new capoeira master
forte - strong
frente - front
frio - cold
fundamentos - basics; used to describe the philisophical roots of capoeira
galo - rooster
ginga - basic movement of capoeira which through continous motion allows an easy entrance - to either offensive or defensive action
golpe - strike or blow; attacking movement
gunga - large bass berimbau
iai?, ioi? - terms used by slaves for daughters and sons of the master
iuna - rhythm for slow elegant play by graduate students
ladainha - introductory solo of roda or game, usually sung by a master
lutar - to fight
macaco - monkey; flourish
macaquinho - little monkey
maculelê - rhythmic perfomance stick fighting, often associated with capoeira culture
malandragem - double-dealing or cunning
malandro - crook or streetwise person
malícia - deception, trickery, double-dealing
mandigueiro - sorceror; healer; synonym for capoeira player
martelo - hammer; straight kick
meia lua de compasso - "compass half moon"; spinning kick
meia lua de frente - "front half moon"; spinning kick
mestre - master, senior capoeira teacher
moeda - coin
morena - dark skinned woman
morrer - to die
mortal - deadly; backflip (somersault)
navalha - straight razor
negativa - "negative"; ground equivilant of ginga position
onça - jaguar
pandeiro - large tamborine played in capoeira or samba
parafuso - "screw"; an airial spin [flourish]
passada - footwork, especially in the ginga
Pastinha (Mestre) - "little folder"; famous deceased teacher of angola from Bahia
pé - foot
pé do berimbau - position in front of the berimbau
peixe - fish
pesado - heavy; strong, hard
pião - "top"; headspin [flourish]
pião de mão - "hand top"; handspin [flourish]
pisão - "big step"; side kick [straight kick]
pisar - to step
ponteira - straight kick to the vitals [straight kick]
puxar - to pull
quadras - four verse songs in a call and response format, typical of regional music
quando - when
que - what
queda - stumble, mistep
queda de rins - "kidney mistep"; movement balancing hip on elbow [flourish]
quexada - "chin kick"; a basic cross-step kick [spinning kick]
quilombo - fugitive slave community
rabo - tail
rabo de raia - stingray tail; kick
rasteira - a sweeping trip and trademark capoeira move [sweep]
rasteira em pé - sweep without using hands [sweep]
reco-reco - ribbed bamboo scraper, sometimes shaped like a fish
regional - fast athletic style of capoeira developed by Master Bimba
relógio - watch; spin on one hand [flourish]
roda - circle; circle made of people where capoeira is played
role - "to walk around"; turning movement using hands with feet on the ground [basic movem
S dobrado - "folded S"; movement that takes a capoeirsta from the negativa to the ginga [flourish]
sabedoria - knowledge
saída - exit
Salvador capital - city of Bahia; birthplace of Capoeira
samba - brazilian rhythm and dance
santo - saint
são - saint; they are(verb)
senzala - slave house; a capoeira group
sinal - sign
ter - to have
terra - land
tesoura - "scissors"; sweep with both legs [sweep]
tocar - to touch; to play music
toques - the various rhythms (angola, regional, banguela, etc.) played by the berim
vadiar - to be up to no good; synonym for capoeira
verga - main shaft of the berimbau
viola (violinha) - the highest pitched berimbau
volta ao mundo - "around the world"; circling the ring when one or both of the players is tired
zumbi - legendary king of the quilombos


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Senhor Deus Pai, Mestre dos mestres Criador do céu, da terra e de tudo nele Eu quero nesta hora lhe agradecer Quero nesta roda te louvar Agradeço aos dons que tu me deu Pensar, entender, falar e ser compreendido Tocar e ser sentido, Ouvir e entender Te agradeço todos os ossos, músculos e nervos do meu corpo perfeito Que meu canto seja sempre abençoado A melodia uma forma de oração Que meus instrumentos sejam para ti uma louvação Que meu corpo seja também tua morada Que sintam todos em mim a presença de Deus em toda roda que eu chegar Que minha oração seja por ti abençoada E a capoeira o meu dom para te louvar Obrigado Jesus amem


Zairo Aparecido Mendes Silva nascido em 16 de setembro de 1960, na cidade do Prata, estado de Minas Gerais. iniciou na capoeira aos 16 anos em São Paulo com o Mestre Suassuna, vindo a se formar em 26 de julho de 1980 entre os formandos Marcelo Careivinha, Risadinha de Zambi, Falvio Tucano e outros. Mestre Biriba se destacava pela sua rapidez em seus movimentos, sua leveza em floreios e em sua ginga calma e controlada pelo dominio de seu corpo. Mestre Biriba formou diversos professores e mestres de capoeira, entre eles Mestre Mancha e Mestre Beleza, hoje Mestres do GRUPO UNIÃO. Viajou todo o Brasil em busca da capoeira e divulgou para diversos paises do exterior e dos Estados Unidos. Em 1995 Mestre Biriba mudou-se para Botucatu, no interior de São Paulo onde desenvolveu trabalhos com capoeira em academias e na UNESP-Botucatu Universidade do Estado de São Paulo. 27 de janeiro de 1997 foi o dia em que Mestre Biriba partiu pra roda de bamba junto a outros grandes Mestres que de...