老師介紹 Introduction of instructor Daniel Silva 先生 (Calango 大師 ) 老師從小就開始練習卡波耶拉。他訓練田徑與體操,是一名出色的動運家和卡波耶拉老師。經過無數的努力與奉獻,老師於 2011 年 11 月榮獲了卡波耶拉大師的資格。 Calango 大師教學經驗豐富,在巴西的幾個州區、亞洲、歐洲、拉丁美洲、非洲等多個國家舉辦課程及講座。老師還致力於巴西棍棒戰舞 maculelê 、傳統森巴舞 samba de roda 和其他民間舞蹈藝術,他更是名出色的打擊樂手,與製作樂器的工匠手。他無疑是現代最出色的卡波耶拉年輕大師之一。 Mr. Silva began practicing Capoeira from a young age. He trained in athletics and gymnastics, becoming an excellent athlete and Capoeira teacher. After countless efforts and dedication, the teacher earned the title of Capoeira Master in November 2011. Mr. Silva has extensive teaching experience and has conducted courses and lectures in several states in Brazil, as well as in Asia, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and other countries. Mr. Silva is also committed to the Brazilian stick fighting dance maculelê, the traditional samba de roda, and other folk dance arts. He is also a talented percussionist and craftsman of musical instruments. He is undoubtedly one of the most ou...